Atkinson Senior Secondary School, Vijayawada


“We the Sister of St. Ann of Providence in India, challenged by the life and mission of Jesus Christ, who is the incarnation of the compassionate love of the Father, re-dedicate ourselves with a creative fidelity towards the education of the children and youth, with special preference to the poor and the marginalized, to liberate and empower them by imparting quality education, instilling in them the human values and thus enabling them to become instruments of ‘Social Change’ and thus fulfill the intention of our Founder, Marquis Carlo Tancredi and Marchioness Giulia Di Barolo”.


We, the Sisters of St. Ann of Providence are called to place our total trust in God and by His Divine Power, form the little ones, youth and marginalized, into women and men of character, who will distinguish themselves by their academic and professional excellence, sound human values of love, peace and brotherhood/sisterhood, holistic growth in their intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic abilities with a spirit of selfless service and leadership qualities. Thus they will contribute their talents for the transformation of the present day conditions, towards building a just and eco-friendly human society, where genuine freedom, equality of opportunities, respect for religion, moral and social values found in the Gospels and enshrined in the Constitution of India will prevail.


The Constitution of India

We, The People of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a

Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic and to secure to all its Citizens.

JUSTICE, social, economic and political.

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all.

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation

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